User Defined Peak Shape in Multipeak fitting 2.0

I was hoping to add a user defined peak shape to my multipeakfitting 2.0 toolbox, but I am struggling to understand how to do thins. I have looked into the Peakfunctions2.ipf macro that has the peak functions, but I am unsure how to go about adding my own function. If someone could walk me through doing this, or may already have this peak shape written into a macro that they are willing to share I would appreciate it.
The function I want to add is a Breit–Wigner Fano peak shape. This is an asymmetric peak that is pretty common when looking at Raman spectroscopy of amorphous carbons. The function is as follows, sorry for the horrible formatting of the equation here.
I(ω) = (A/(1+(2(ω+ω)/T)^2)) + B[1+2((ω- ω2)/qT2)]2/[1+2((ω- ω2)/T2)]2.
Any help or guidance on how to properly get this added to my fitting options would be appreciated.
I started looking at the problem and I think your equation has a typo in it. Should this: 2(ω+ω) be something more like 2(ω-ω2)? I guess ω2 is what is commonly rendered as x0.
And can you give me some info on what controls width and amplitude?
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 10, 2015 at 11:26 am - Permalink
1) a function for naming you input/output parameters, as well as telling MPF the names of the other three functions.
2) a function calculating the shape of you peak using an x & y-wave input and a parameter set
3) a function calculating useful initial guesses from the standard asymmetric gaussian (the shape you draw when adding a peak) handed from MPF, or at least plug in the ones like width, height at the right places for your peak to work
4) a function calculating useful output parameters from you fit parameters (i.e., FWHM from width etc.). If you feel lazy just hand over the fit parameters and do the rest later.
Peeking at the at the already implemented one's (PeakFunctions2.ipf) might help a bit to get a grasp how stuff works. Also, you might want to read here a bit: http://www.igorexchange.com/node/5750
I attach my definition of the Doniac-Sunjic peak-shape for reference (this one is already rather advanced, as it involves Gauss-convolution to simulate experimental broadening, so please don't feel demotivated by this).
June 10, 2015 at 07:03 pm - Permalink