Trouble understanding IGOR open command, s_filename, and returning strings

I am trying to work with somebody else's IGOR code to open a binary file and grab some information via a STRUCT they've generated. I run into wavename length issues in Igor 7 (but not in 8 beta), but I'd like to keep things tidy in any event, and maintain a wavename base of yyyymmdd_##, e.g., 20180327_01

Here is some code I've written to do that:

Function ShortenFileName(long_filename)
    //This function takes a long_filename and shortens it to the yyyymmdd_## format
    //that is used for TNMR files
    //long_filename is obtained as part of the NMR STRUCT   
    String long_filename
    //short_filename is the new name, keeps wave names a manageable legnth
    //FileID is essentially the format of short_filename, and a traditional way of keeping track of experiments
    String short_filename, FileID="([[:digit:]]+_[[:digit:]]+)"
    //Looks for just that format in long_filename, dumps it into short_filename
    SplitString/E=(FileID) long_filename, short_filename
    //print for troubleshooting
    print short_filename
//  return short_filename

Problem: I've commented out the return statement because that is not working. Essentially, I'd like to replace "long_filename" with "short_filename". If I uncomment the return statement, I get an error. I am confused, because short_filename has been previously declared, so I don't get what I am doing wrong.

Problem: I don't understand where S_fileName comes from. It is obviously not in this function, but on IV-136 of the IGOR manual, some example code (see below) is given that uses S_fileName without intializing it. Is this a string that gets auto-generated whenver Open is invoked? I'm having a hard time finding documentation.

Function/S DoOpenFileDialog()
Variable refNum
String message = "Select a file"
String outputPath
String fileFilters = "Data Files (*.txt,*.dat,*.csv):.txt,.dat,.csv;"
fileFilters += "All Files:.*;"
Open /D /R /F=fileFilters /M=message refNum
outputPath = S_fileName
return outputPath // Will be empty if user canceled

Use Function/S ... to declare a string return.

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
I don't understand where S_fileName comes from.

It is an operation output variable which is automatically declared by the Igor compiler and created by the operation. Execute this for details:

DisplayHelpTopic "Local Variables Used By Igor Operations"

See also the "Output Variables" section of the help for Open.