trouble with saveTableCopy

Dear Igor guru,
I am having trouble outputting the table content. The macro "AUC curve fitting FFTs-individual" appears to create the correct waves to calculate the correct AUC by FaverageXY (checked manually). However, in the output .cvs table, all the outputs are "0". It feels like the SaveTableCopy command won't run until the "for" loop completes when columns in the output table are deleted (therefore, the numbers turn "0"). Is this the case?
//=============================================================================================== function DeleteWaves(strToDelete) //delete logFvector and noNegativeSigFit waves string strToDelete string wList = Wavelist(strToDelete, ";", "") variable nWaves = itemsinList(wList) string wName variable i for (i=0; i<nWaves; i+=1) wName = stringfromList(i, wList) killWaves/Z $wName endfor end //=============================================================================================== //=============================================================================================== menu "Macros" "AUC curve fitting FFTs_individual", createAUCCurveFittingIndividualFFTsDialog() End Function createAUCCurveFittingIndividualFFTsDialog() setDataFolder root:BOSS3_450sub: DFREF dfr = GetDataFolderDFR() string folderName, trialName, path variable numDataFolders = CountObjectsDFR(dfr, 4) variable i, c, trialNumber for(i=0; i < numDataFolders; i += 1) folderName = getIndexedObjNameDFR(dfr, 4, i) SetDataFolder ":'" + folderName + "':" //DFREF dfr = GetDataFolderDFR() edit/N=outputTable_AUCfittedFFT appendtoTable/W=outputTable_AUCfittedFFT root:AUCsegmentation make/O/T/FREE stimList = {"PDmm", "BPD", "R1", "R2", "postR", "B1", "B2", "postB"} make/O/N=16 PDmm make/O/N=16 BPD make/O/N=16 R1 make/O/N=16 R2 make/O/N=16 postR make/O/N=16 B1 make/O/N=16 B2 make/O/N=16 postB appendtotable/W=outputTable_AUCfittedFFT PDmm, BPD, R1, R2, postR, B1, B2, postB for (trialNumber=1; trialNumber<=2; trialNumber +=1) trialName="trial"+num2str(trialNumber) path= "root:BOSS3_450sub:'"+folderName+"':'"+trialName+"'" SetDataFolder path duplicate $"PDmm_gap_avgEye_interpolate_avgRepeat_FFT", $"PDmm_gap_avg_PDmm_FFT" for (c=0; c<8; c += 1) //add 8 AUC_sigFit_FFTs to tables //obtain logFvector string FvectorName = "Fvector_"+stimList[c] string logFvectorName = "log"+FvectorName duplicate/O root:Fvector:$FvectorName, $logFvectorName wave logFvector = $logFvectorName logFvector = log(logFvector) //obtain logFvector string FFTName = "PDmm_gap_avg_"+stimList[c]+"_FFT" string logFFTName = "log"+FFTName duplicate/O $FFTName, $logFFTName wave logFFT = $logFFTName logFFT = log(logFFT) //obtain logFFT //fit FFT with sigmoid function string sigFitName = "sigFit_"+FFTName string noNegative_sigFitName = "noNegative_"+sigFitName wavestats/Q logFvector make/O/N=(V_npnts) $sigFitName wave sigFit = $sigFitName curveFit Sigmoid logFFT/X=logFvector /D=sigFit duplicate/O sigFit, $noNegative_sigFitName wave sigFitnoNegative = $noNegative_sigFitName sigFitnoNegative = sigFit[p] < 0 ? 0 : sigFit[p] //set the negative portion of sigFit to 0 for AUC calculation //obtain AUC and post to outputTable wave pupCategory = $stimList[c] pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, -4, -2) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+1] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, -2, -1.5) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+2] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, -1.5, -1) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+3] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, -1, -0.5) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+4] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, -0.5, 0) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+5] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, 0, 0.5) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+6] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, 0.5, 1) pupCategory[(trialNumber-1)*8+7] = FaverageXY(logFvector, sigFitnoNegative, 1, 1.5) endfor endfor //export outputTable SaveTableCopy/P=home/T=2/W=outputTable_AUCfittedFFT as "AUCSigFit"+"_"+folderName+".csv" killwindow/Z outputTable_AUCfittedFFT SetDataFolder root:BOSS3_450sub: SetDataFolder ":'" + folderName + "':" DeleteWaves("PDmm*") DeleteWaves("BPD*") DeleteWaves("R1*") DeleteWaves("R2*") DeleteWaves("postR*") DeleteWaves("B1*") DeleteWaves("B2*") DeleteWaves("postB*") for(trialNumber=1; trialNumber<=2; trialNumber +=1) trialName="trial"+num2str(trialNumber) path= "root:BOSS3_450sub:'"+folderName+"':'"+trialName+"'" SetDataFolder path DeleteWaves("logFvector*") DeleteWaves("noNegative*") endfor setDataFolder root:BOSS3_450sub: DFREF dfr = GetDataFolderDFR() endfor end //===============================================================================================//
As you build windows like graphs or tables, the changes don't get finalized until the window is drawn. For command-line changes, the redraw happens automatically when the command finishes executing. But updating and redrawing windows doesn't happen while a user function is executing unless you request it by calling `DoUpdate`. I think adding a call to `DoUpdate` just before you call `SaveTableCopy` will fix your problem.
December 12, 2024 at 10:32 am - Permalink
I think John is right - DoUpdate will make your function work as expected.
Alternatively, you can create the .csv file without the use of a table using the Save operation as illustrated here:
December 12, 2024 at 03:28 pm - Permalink
I added DoUpdate before the saveTableCopy command and still have "0" in the output table. Any idea?
December 13, 2024 at 07:45 am - Permalink
Can you post an Igor experiment file with data and instructions on how to run it?
You might also try to debug the code yourself using Igor's symbolic debugger. The debugger allows you to single-step through the code watching how things change as the code runs. Read about it: DisplayHelpTopic "The Debugger"
December 13, 2024 at 09:52 am - Permalink
Replace the DoUpdate with Abort and check the table which this will generate. Verify that you indeed have numbers in the table before you try to save it. Then we will know where the problem is.
December 13, 2024 at 09:54 am - Permalink
Via debugging, I found the problem to be "make/O/N=16 PDmm, BPD, R1, R2, postR, B1, B2, postB". These waves are made outside the "trialNumber" for-loop and not accessible at the last step of "pupCategory" (it gives an error message of "operating on a null wave".). I moved the "make..." code to inside the "trialNumber" loop and it worked!
Thank you,
January 3, 2025 at 07:03 am - Permalink