too many parameters on command line

I am wondering why I receive the error: "While executing printf, the following error occurred: too many parameters on command line" with the following snippet of code, which is part of a larger function

Variable index2 = 0
String boxcontent = ""
    for (index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2 +=1)
        String path2 = StringFromList(index2, outputPaths, "\r")        
        Open /R refNum as path2
        if (index2 == 0)            
            String buffer
            Variable lineNumber = 0
                FReadline refNum, buffer
                if (StringMatch(buffer, "IP*"))     
                    String regExp = "(IP)(\\s+)(\-?[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+)"
                    String parameter, space, number
                    SplitString /E = (regExp) buffer, parameter, space, number          
                    Variable IP = str2num(number)-Fc    // Fc is a variable generated above
                    String sIP = num2str(IP)                             // sIP is the string "-1" here
                    String newvalue
                    sprintf newvalue, "IP: ", sIP
                    boxcontent += newvalue
            lineNumber += 1
            while (lineNumber <= 46)            

This error seems a bit cryptic to me, and when I choose the "Explain Error" feature in Igor, it only says "Certain commands like Duplicate and Remove can handle no more than 100 wave names in their parameter lists." Since I'm not dealing with more than 100 wave names, I don't quite understand this. I'm also confused by the error "While executing printf...", because I'm not executing printf, I'm executing sprintf. I'd greatly appreciate any help here. Thanks,

The explanation help is incorrect in this context.

The problem is this:
sprintf newvalue, "IP: ", sIP

An sprintf command must have one conversion specification (e.g., "%d", "%g", "%s") for each parameter after the format string. Change it to:
sprintf newvalue, "IP: %s", sIP

Or better yet, change it to:
sprintf newvalue, "IP: %g", IP

and get rid of sIP.
sprintf newvalue, "IP: ", sIP

should read

sprintf newvalue, "IP: %s", sIP

The error message is a bit confusing; agreed.
Yes, I see my problem now. I think I got caught up on the "too many parameters on the command line" bit and didn't see my error! Thanks very much for your help.
