"Too many items" in Graph menu (bug?)

At the bottom of my Graph menu, it says "too many items" (grayed out). This shows up right after Graph > Graph Axes. True to its name, this seems to cap having any more menu items. Specifically, I tried to add RGerkin's DragAndDropTraces, which is supposed to add 1 item to my Graph menu, but it cannot display. If I change the code to add the item to a shorter menu (e.g., "Misc"), there is no problem.
This seems like unexpected behavior, if not an outright bug. I would expect some kind of expansion arrow, not "too many items."
I count 25 menu items plus 5 dividers in the menu before I get "too many items" (26th position).
I'm running (32-bit) Igor 6.20 on Vista64.
June 9, 2010 at 06:29 pm - Permalink
Ostensibly I'm already missing some menu items from Graph. I guess I should try to track them down via Find "Menu 'Graph'" and try to stash them somewhere else. This sounds like the only workaround.
June 10, 2010 at 08:55 am - Permalink