time average waves

Needed a tool for creating time series data with averaging. Here it is.
#pragma TextEncoding = "UTF-8" #pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. // This function will take a pair of waves, are return a new pair of waves with // the desired periodicity function periodicMean(timeWave, valueWave, key, [mult,suffix]) // timeWave is a real wave representing time in secoinds since the epoch // is a wave with y values of the same length as the time wave // key is sec, min, hour, day, and represents the time unit of hte output waves // multipler is an optiona multipler of the time unit // suffix is a user provided suffix for the output waves. optioal if there is no muliplier // output is a pair of waves averaged to the time unit desired Wave timeWave // assumes time in seconds (since epoch 1/1/1904) Wave valueWave String key Variable mult String suffix variable multiplier if(ParamIsDefault(mult)) multiplier = 1 else multiplier = mult if (ParamIsDefault(suffix)) print "Output wave needs a unique suffix parameter of the form: suffix=<string>" return -1 endif endif if(ParamIsDefault(suffix)) suffix = key endif String periodDict = "sec:1;min:60;hour:3600;day:86400" String newXName, newYName if (strsearch(periodDict, key, 0) == -1) print "Invalid period string, allowed values are sec, min, hour and day" return -1 endif if (numpnts(timeWave) != numpnts(valueWave)) print "wavelength mismatch" return -1 endif // get the total duration of the time wave Variable startTime = timeWave[0] Variable endTime = timeWave[INF] Variable duration = endTime - StartTime Variable numSeconds = NumberByKey(key, periodDict)*multiplier Variable numPeriods = duration/numSeconds if (numPeriods < 1) print "the period is too large for this data set" return -1 endif Variable wholePeriods = ceil(numPeriods) Make /O/N=(wholePeriods)/D xWave, yWave variable i variable averageTime variable intervalStart, intervalEnd variable numpntsperinterval = numpnts(timeWave)/wholePeriods for (i=0; i < wholePeriods; i+=1 ) intervalStart = i*numpntsperinterval intervalEnd = intervalStart + numpntsperinterval if (intervalEnd > numpnts(timeWave)-1) intervalEnd = numpnts(timeWave) - 1 endif averageTime = (timeWave[intervalEnd] + timeWave[intervalStart])/2 WaveStats/M=1/Q/R=[intervalStart,intervalEnd] valueWave xWave[i] = averageTime yWave[i] = V_avg endfor newXName = nameOfWave(timeWave) + "_" + suffix newYName = nameOfWave(valueWave) + "_" + suffix Rename xWave, $newXName Rename yWave, $newYName end