Is there a way to remove the unnecessary points from a column of a table?

I used the Peak Areas.ipf to find the maximums and minimums of a wave. I then placed the the W_MaxKnots and the W_MinKnots into a table. It show the values I need, but there are many unnecessary points in between. I was hoping to find a way to remove certain points from the table so that I am left with only the values I need. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be fantastic.
Thank you!
WaveTransform zapNans W_MaxKnots
WaveTransform zapNans W_MinKnots 

But bear in mind that you may be breaking the functionality of the rest of the Peak Areas.ipf if you change the data out from under it like that.

I suggest copying the waves. Or just use W_PkX1 and W_PkX2, which are derived from the knots. See my reply at

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you! Do you know of a way to do this with out changing the wave? I need all the points in the wave to stay in the graph, but I only need the maximums and minimums in the table.
hbridgewater wrote:
Thank you! Do you know of a way to do this with out changing the wave? I need all the points in the wave to stay in the graph, but I only need the maximums and minimums in the table.

Have you looked at ?

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.