Table questions

I have few Table related questions which I just cannot figure out by reading manual. I am sure answer is there - may be by the fact I cannot find it...
Can I have checkboxes in Table columns like I can in Listbox? I need to get user input and some questions are Boolean (0 or 1) decision. Checkbox is much cleaner/quicker interface.
Can I have at the top under title a line (fields) with wave units? My numbers are in mm, so I'd like to show that to user.
Is there extensible TablePopup menu where I can add my own right click functions? Could I setup window hook function for this and would that prevent the native right click function from running?
Or do I have to use Listbox to get most of this?
You can add a hook function to a table window, and it would intercept key strokes before the table uses them.
For the rest of your questions, I'm afraid the answer is as you suspect- use a listbox.
July 15, 2020 at 01:36 pm - Permalink
You can not have a checkbox in a table.
You can set a table column's title (ModifyTable title) or a wave column's dimension label. There are no other options.
Unlike GraphPopup, there is no TablePopup menu to which you can add user-defined items. You can popup a contextual menu up from a window hook using PopupContextualMenu. If you return 1 from the hook function, I believe this will suppress the built-in table contexual menu.
July 15, 2020 at 01:37 pm - Permalink
Thanks a lot for quick answer. Listbox it is...
July 15, 2020 at 02:23 pm - Permalink
In reply to You can not have a checkbox… by hrodstein
For any users reading this in the future, Igor 9 has a user-defined TablePopup menu that works similarly to the existing GraphPopup menu.
July 15, 2020 at 03:01 pm - Permalink