I have a plot with a sub-window of another plot in it. I would like to have a legend in the main window that shows all the traces. I can only use \s(wavename) for the ones in the main window, and if I try to fake the one from the subwindow with something like \K(52224,0,0)\W529 it looks different (only the bulk of the marker is filled while the outline is black). Is there a way to either show the symbol of a wave from a subwindow, or to color the border of an arbitrary marker? Thanks, Alexlegend problems.png(10.81 KB)
In this case its also not possible to add a legend to the smaller plot and then drag it into the correct position in the larger plot -- the legend can be moved outside of the frame of the subwindow, but it can't subsequentially be manipulated.
July 23, 2013 at 01:58 pm - Permalink
Make/O/N=10 jack=x, jill=sin(x/8)
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
Display /W=(35.25,42.5,429.75,251) jack
ModifyGraph mode=3
ModifyGraph marker=5
ModifyGraph rgb=(0,0,65280)
Legend/C/N=text0/J/X=62.10/Y=4.83 "\\s(jack) jack\r\\s(Graph0#G0.jill) jill"
Display/W=(0.53,0.348,0.8,0.8)/FG=(,,PR,PB)/HOST=# jill
ModifyGraph mode=3
ModifyGraph marker=19
ModifyGraph axOffset(bottom)=-0.866667
RenameWindow #,G0
SetActiveSubwindow ##
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 23, 2013 at 04:05 pm - Permalink
July 24, 2013 at 07:49 am - Permalink