Swapping rows and columns in a table
The columns are automatically named as wave0, wave1, wave2,...
How do i swap the rows and columns in the table?
I've read some posts in the forum suggesting to use MatrixTranspose in the command line, but I couldn't find how to use this operation.
Thanks for the help!!
MatrixTranspose myTwoDWave
But if your table represents 2198 individual waves, that won't work. For that, add this to your main Procedure window (Windows->Procedure Windows->Procedure Window):
#include <Transpose Waves In Table>
When you close the Procedure window, you will find a new item in the Table menu, Transpose Waves in Top Table. Selecting that will put up a simple dialog.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 4, 2013 at 09:08 am - Permalink
1. Choose Windows->Help Files->WM Procedures Index.
2. Choose Edit->Find and find "transpose" (without the quotes).
3. Click the page icon (the one without the X). This #includes the file - open the procedure file to see the #include statement.
4. Activate the table window and choose Table->Transpose Waves in Table.
BUT . . .
It is likely that this is the wrong approach. You should load the data into a 2D wave and then use MatrixTranspose. If the data is in a text file you can use the Load Into Matrix checkbox in the Load Waves dialog (Data->Load Waves->Load Waves).
You can also use the Concatenate operation to concatenate the 2198 waves into one 2D wave. To do this you will need to create a semicolon-separated string containing the names of the 2198 waves. You can do this using WaveList. For example:
November 4, 2013 at 09:20 am - Permalink
Thanks a lot!
November 4, 2013 at 10:14 am - Permalink