Storing History for Reprocessing a Wave

My first thought is to store information in the wave note in XML format. For example, a call from within My Package to a function
variable how, region, extraplote
with parameters set within the function to be equivalent to how = "linear", region = "within cursors", and extrapolate= "outside" might produce the following in the wave note
<operation><log date="date" time="time" />
<package>My Package</package>
<parameters><how>linear</how><region>within cursors</region></parameters>
<notes>baseline removed between points 23 and 45 and extrapolated outside range</notes>
Supposedly, given a standard template, a history aware function could readily store, retrieve, and change its appropriate wavenote information. All then that would be needed is a meta-history processing function to re-run the wave operations. For example, in this case, the RemoveABaseline(...) function could have an equivalent RXML_RemoveABaseline(strhow,strregion,[strextrapolate]) that would be called by the meta-processor.
What do folks think?
I decided to produce a way to have the format of the template open for users to develop. See the information starting at version 0.2 of XMLNoteTools found here.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
March 3, 2008 at 03:41 pm - Permalink