Sticks and markers graph: Sticks not present in .eps image

I use Version: (Build 30037). When I draw a graph with mode=8, i.e. sticks and markers, and I save it as eps with
SavePICT/O/EF=1/E=-3/S as QuickPath() + name + ".eps"
, then the sticks to not appear in the .eps image. At the same time, they appear correctly in a .png file. Sorry, I have ot attach pdf instead of eps, because eps is not an allowed extension for upload.
Is there any way to get my eps image correct?
Best regards, Joerg.

I suggest sending a report to support@WaveMetrics.com including the system info and a copy of your experiment (you can save just the graph using File->Save Graph Copy.)
Use Help->Contact Support or copy the system info from the Help->About Igor Pro dialog's System info button.
Another option is to provide commands as I did above that will reproduce the problem.
Larry Hutchinson
October 15, 2017 at 08:16 am - Permalink
many thanks. Your "cannot reproduce" message has helped me tracking down the error. If it works corretly on your side, the error must be somewhere in my code.
I found a function that has basically done
ModifyGraph lsize=0
lsize=0, mode=8
the sticks appear erroneously on the screen and they correctly do not appear in the eps file.Problem solved :-)
Best regards,
October 16, 2017 at 12:37 am - Permalink
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
October 16, 2017 at 12:37 pm - Permalink