User developed Igor Pro packages (as posted here) with menu items can put their menu selections into various locations. By comparison, users are encouraged to develop packages that put their global folders into a root:Packages location and to store their package files in their local User Procedures folder. Along this line, I wonder whether "standardizing" a recommended place for user-developed packages would be of benefit, especially for new users and especially as the number of such packages increases. In particular, the following idea comes to mind:
Menu"User"Submenu"Packages"// a place for applications that do specific things
endSubmenu"Panels"// a place for applications with a sole purpose of displaying a control panel
endSubmenu"Demos"// a place for applications that run largely as self-contained demos
On a related note I would like to see more action along the lines of a centralised repository for user contributed packages, a. la. Ubuntu. It's been brought up, but it's a lot of work, and I'm not sure when we will see it happen.
July 28, 2009 at 09:21 pm - Permalink