Squared Units

When I set a unit for a wave I have (for example N) and I have 5*10^-18 Igor will automatically change this to 5aN when plotted which is great. However I often have the units of something squared for example N^2. So I might have 25*10^-36 which I would like displayed as 25aN^2, however Igor doesn't seem to know this. In theory this would also be the case for other powers; however, if I can get igor to do it for squared units I don't care about higher powers.
I am trying to display the units with /U in axis labels.
Is it possible for Igor to know how to scale N^2 correctly?
I think automatic recognition to scale with the "power" of the units may be impossible. However, with the current beta of Igor 6.10, you can manually or progammatically set the designations used for units within label escape codes (\u, \U, \e, or \E). Try the following to see the effect:
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
June 23, 2009 at 09:38 am - Permalink