SetScale units of ohms?

I'm relatively new to IGOR and trying to make a nice procedure file to load and graph a bunch of my data, get info from images, etc.
So far the manual has answered all of my questions, but I can't seem to get this one... How can I set the units of wave to the symbolic character for ohms.
I've tried using \### to indicate the ASCII code for the symbol, but it didn't seem to include extended ASCII.
I've also tried something like... SetScale d, 0, 0, "\\F'Symbol'W\\M", wavename
As well as just... SetScale d, 0, 0, "\F'Symbol'W\M", wavename
So far, the best solution I've come up with is to just use " " as the unit and use "\\F'Symbol'W\\M" in the axis label, but it leaves an annoying space so the graph axis reads something like "M Ω" or "G Ω" but not the "MΩ" or "GΩ" I'm shooting for.
Thanks for any help!
SetScale d 0,0,"Ω", foo
You should be able to enter Ω by just copying and pasting from this response!
August 24, 2010 at 01:28 pm - Permalink
August 24, 2010 at 01:30 pm - Permalink
It is available in the MacRoman characters set on Macintosh.
Some day, when Igor uses Unicode, this will not be an issue. However that day is not close. In the mean time, I think you should use "ohm" as your wave data units.
To display an ohm symbol in an annotation or axis label you will need to switch to Symbol font. Here is an example:
I used the Add Annotation and Label Axis dialogs to make this graph. I used the Font popup menu to choose Symbol font (\\F'Symbol') and then the Special->Character popup menu to choose the ohm symbol. I then used Special->Recall Info to recall "text info variable 0" (\\]0) which restores the original font and font size.
To see what characters are available in a given font:
August 24, 2010 at 01:54 pm - Permalink