Scaling to a subset extracted from a 2D source wave


I have a question.

Suppose I have a 2D source wave (named source2DWave)  which has 200 rows and 300 columns and the x scaling is 0 to 850 and y scaling is 25 to 14000.

Now I want to extract a subset from the 2D source wave. The rows for the subset run from 40 to 120, and the columns from 70 to 250 in the 2D source wave.

I can do that easily using the matrixOp operation:


MatrixOp/O/S subSet2DWave = subRange(source2DWave, 40, 120, 70, 250)

Now my question is there a way in Igor so that subset will preserve the x and y scaling of the source wave 
(i.e. the first column and first row coordinates will be the same as they were in the source wave)? 

When I do the MatrixOp operation, the scaling is changed and they start from 0 automatically.

Maybe I am missing something. Thank you so much.




Use the following instead of MatrixOp:

Duplicate/O/RMD=[40, 120][70, 250] subRange, subSet2DWave

Or you reapply the (modified) scaling yourself after using MatrixOp, which might become necessary when you do more complicated operations than just extraction.

EDIT: Seems like the /S flag of MatrixOp is not doing what is advertised, or I didn't understand its purpose either. Anyway, you should be good to go with Duplicate.

In reply to by chozo

Thank you so much for the suggestion.

Yes, I can use a bit of code to modify the scaling of the subset if I use the MatrixOp operation. 

I am wondering why the MatrixOp operation is not preserving the scaling in spite of using the /S with it. 

