Saving a Free wave

I am saving some waves to a single delimited text wave using this command in a function
Save/O/J/W/U={0,0,1,0}/B /P=outputfolder Errorlist as ResultFileName+"_Repair List.txt"
where Errorless is a list of waves. If I try to add the name of a wave created by a Duplicate/FREE command I get an error saying expecting wave name.
I had just used the name of the wave as declared by the duplicate function. (Note I perform some operations on the free wave so I can use the original source wave).
I add the name to string list by errorlist += "Cwave;" Should I use a different name syntax since it is a free wave?
You can't use local WAVE reference names in there. This shows why it won't work:
The debugger will show you that the name of the wave referred to by freeWave is actually "_free_".
And if you had multiple free waves, they would all have that name.
Save global duplicates of the free waves, instead.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
November 16, 2015 at 04:31 pm - Permalink