Save waves with command line longer than 400 characters.

I'm using IgorPro6.0.3 and when trying to save/ export my waves into delimited text I get an error message saying that the command line can't be longer than 40 characters. does anyone knows how to go around this? I usually go Data»»Save Waves...»» Delimited Text and then I choose the waves I want to export withi the set I have. this error soemtimes happens and sometimes doesn't... I've saved more than 100 waves in one go several times with no problem, now, if I get down to ~50 I get that error and the wave file name is of the same size (in characters). I'm trying now to save 2000 waves within a set of 8000 waves... Can anyone haelp me?!?
What you need to do is to create a string that contains a semicolon separated list of the wave names you wish to save, then use the /B flag with the Save operation. Examples of how to do this are provided in the help text I referenced above.
By the way (and this is unrelated to your question), the current shipping version of Igor Pro is 6.11. Users of 6.0 and above can upgrade to 6.11 for free. You can download the new version from our downloads website at www.wavemetrics.net. The same license code you used for Igor 6 will work for 6.11.
September 17, 2009 at 08:17 am - Permalink