sample graph as global preferences

I have unintentionally enabled a layout template that is no always applied, even if I just issue
Make test Display test
For example, axis labels and axis range is applied from this template.
Although, Someone may find it helpful to do this on purpose, I rather would switch back to the original layout settings. I have read the preferences section on 2dgraphs and searched the help for the mentioned "global preferences" without any luck.
I ended up, deleting the [graph] section in the ini file which did the trick and was quicker than searching in the menu items. Was there a simpler solution to this? - I obviously must have clicked something wrong in the GUI.
Open/select a graph window, then select the Graph->Capture Graph Prefs... menu item. Then select the preferences you want to revert to default and click the Revert to Defaults button.
May 2, 2019 at 06:27 am - Permalink