Returning wave reference to the Zcolor Wave

I am wondering what is the most elegant way to return a wave reference (if one exists) to the wave used as Zcolor in a Y-Wave vs X-Wave plot colored by Z-Wave?
I am hoping there is a better way than parsing traceinfo.
Any ideas?
One can parse TraceInfo fairly elegantly with StringByKey, although a contortion is required to guarantee success:

function isZColourOn(traceName, graphName)
string TraceName, graphName
    string nxtInfo= TraceInfo(graphName, TraceName, 0)  // a more casual option: TraceInfo("", "", 1)
    nxtInfo= replaceString("RECREATION:", nxtInfo, "")  // list goes: RECREATION:zColor(x)=[..];zColorMin(x)=[..];[..] so this allows 1st item retrieval
    string thisZcol= StringByKey("zcolor(x)", nxtInfo, "=", ";") 
    variable zColourOn= cmpstr(thisZcol,"0")!=0
    if (zColourOn)
         return 1
    return 0