jcor One can parse TraceInfo fairly elegantly with StringByKey, although a contortion is required to guarantee success: function isZColourOn(traceName, graphName) string TraceName, graphName string nxtInfo= TraceInfo(graphName, TraceName, 0) // a more casual option: TraceInfo("", "", 1) nxtInfo= replaceString("RECREATION:", nxtInfo, "") // list goes: RECREATION:zColor(x)=[..];zColorMin(x)=[..];[..] so this allows 1st item retrieval string thisZcol= StringByKey("zcolor(x)", nxtInfo, "=", ";") variable zColourOn= cmpstr(thisZcol,"0")!=0 if (zColourOn) return 1 endif return 0 end Log in or register to post comments September 22, 2016 at 04:54 am - Permalink
September 22, 2016 at 04:54 am - Permalink