Removing repeating values from waves

Is there a clean way to remove repeating values from waves? I have waves that sometimes have duplicates or triplicates of a number and I would like to keep only one instance. I have looked in the forum and manual but I haven't spotted anything like a function that may help in doing this. I was thinking of sorting and creating two lists to move numbers from one to the other after parsing through but any ideas are appreciated.
Just for clarification: You want unique INTEGERS in the wave (and not just zap consecutive occurrences)?

Maybe this could serve as a first idea (result is sorted):
make /N=6 test ={1,1,3,4,4,1}
make /N=10 hist // Probably needs to be adjusted to the minimum and maximum values of the wave
histogram /B={0,1,10} test, hist // here as well
hist= (hist==0) ? nan : p
wavetransform ZapNaNs hist

Beware of floats !

In IP7 you can use the FindDuplicates operation.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Here is my take on it. Zaps all repeating integers after the first one.

Invoke it like: thunk_zapnum(w_wave, 5), where w_wave is your wave, 5 is the number you want to zap.

function thunk_zapnum(w_wave, v_num)
    wave& w_wave //1d wave
    variable v_num
    variable i
    variable v_sz = dimsize(w_wave,0)
    make/o/n=(v_sz) w_ind = (w_wave == v_num) ? p : nan
    wavetransform/o zapnans, w_ind
    variable v_sz_ind = dimsize(w_ind,0)
    for (i=1; i<v_sz_ind; i+=1)
        w_wave[w_ind[i]] = nan
    wavetransform/o zapnans, w_wave

_sk wrote:
Here is my take on it. Zaps all repeating integers after the first one.
Invoke it like: thunk_zapnum(w_wave, 5)

The code is limited to Integer values and you would have to loop over a list of integers which you want to remove.

If you just wanted to remove a specific value from a wave it is simpler to execute:
MatrixOP/O aa=replace(w_wave,specificValue,NaN)
WaveTransform zapNaNs aa

Note that in this example specificValue is any real-value and strict equality is required, something that FindDuplicates handles via the Tolerance flag.

Igor wrote:

MatrixOP/O aa=replace(w_wave,specificValue,NaN)
WaveTransform zapNaNs aa


This will also remove the first instance of the duplicate integer, which I interpreted as a requirement of the poster. If this isn't the case, then, indeed, there is no need for looping through the indeces of the duplicate integer.

_sk wrote:

This will also remove the first instance of the duplicate integer, which I interpreted as a requirement of the poster. If this isn't the case, then, indeed, there is no need for looping through the indeces of the duplicate integer.

You are absolutely right. It will remove all instances.