Referencing ALL waves within the Data folder?

As a remedy of the post:

Instead of creating a 2D wave, I can also afford to create a bunch of 1D wave with dynamical wave naming.
That is, I can create instead of a 2D Data wave as (100,10), but ten Data waves as Data1, Data2, ... , Data10, where each one is 100 pnts.

But then there is another problem,
if I use a sub-routine to create these waves, is there a way to "dynamically" reference to them?

That is, I want to use the command
string waveName1
for (i=1; i<=10; i=i+1)
waveName1 = "Data"+num2str(i)     
wave $waveName1 //<--not allowed

But it won't work as the LHS does not accept indices.
The only possible way I could think of is just reference all existing (previously created waves) once, or
just put the wave creating routines inside this main routines, so the make command will already reference them. I wanted to avoid this as I would like the subroutine to be available for other functions.

Thanks for reading, any suggestions are appreciated.
Found a solution, in fact, the main routine does not have to know the name of the waves created by the subroutine, while I do :D

waveName1 = "Data"+num2str(columnNum)
wave DataIO = $waveName1
...//Repeat for all other instances of Capture()

may not be the smartest way, but I think I will go for it now.
If you want to create a list of wave references to all waves in a datafolder, you could do something like this:

Function/WAVE ListWaves(Folder)
DFREF Folder
    //  Counts the number of waves in the folder
    Variable n=CountObjectsDFR(Folder, 1)
    //  Creates a list of all waves in the folder
    Make/FREE/O/WAVE/N=(n) AllWaves=WaveRefIndexedDFR(Folder, p)
    Return AllWaves
Nice trick olelytken. I didn't know about that function, here is another way:

Function/WAVE ListWaves(Folder)
DFREF Folder
    string wl= waveList("*",";","") //  get a string list of all waves
        make /FREE/O/WAVE/N=(itemsInList(wl)) allWaves= $stringFromList(p, wl)
    Return AllWaves

It's definitely not better since it goes through the string format, but more useful in macros.