Reading the name of a wave name and using it in a print command


In the function below I would like to read the name of wave Input and use it in a print command. (Here, the function shows what I would like to get.)

Function HurstEstimate(Input, Fluctuation, Scale)       
    Wave Input, Fluctuation, Scale  
    CurveFit/Q/H="100"/NTHR=0/TBOX=1017 Power Fluctuation /X=Scale
    Wave W_Coef
    Print "The Power Curve estimate for "Input"  =", W_Coef[3]

So if the name of the Input wave is Microsoft I would like to arrive at the following print outcome: " The Power Curve estimate for Microsoft = ....." The next time when the name of the input wave is Apple I like to get the output "The Power Curve estimate for Apple = .....", etc.

I have been reading for some time about string parameters, but that did not bring me further towards a solution. Any help is welcome.


maybe the command NameOfWave can help you here?
This then looks like
Print "The Power Curve estimate for ", NameOfWave(Input), " = ", W_Coef[3]
What you want is NameofWave.

print "The Power Curve estimate for "+ Nameofwave(Input) + " =" + num2str(w_coef[3])