Radial image profile

I'm interested in creating some cool radial profiles using the Image tools app. (enclosed .pxp file)
However it doesn't seem to work on a classic 2D wave.
I'm interested in creating some cool radial profiles using the Image tools app. (enclosed .pxp file)
However it doesn't seem to work on a classic 2D wave.
Im sorry here the attached file
July 21, 2023 at 02:42 am - Permalink
I have found the problem in the conversion routines in Image Tools and will fix it for an upcoming revision. In the meantime, a few suggestions that will help in processing your image with an updated image tools.
I can also recommend that you use a test image to play with image tools + the radial profile demo. However, this being said, I am curious how you intend to do radial profiling on an image where the aspect ratio in the data (as pixel x pixel) is dramatically skewed. To demonstrate the problem, select your image in the data browser and use the New Image context menu. You will obtain an image that is about ten times longer (vertically) than horizontally. Now, to demonstrate the pixel x pixel skew, click on the background to get the Modify Graph dialog. Select Width mode as Plan with a factor as 1 * height * (top range / left range).
Where do you see that you should draw a circle for a radial profile in this now exceptionally narrow image?
Normally, images for the radial profile are nearly equal in horizontal / vertical ratio.
July 21, 2023 at 07:07 am - Permalink