Question on creating a single wave
I tried to make a single wave which has 3332 data points (from 0 to 3331) and has a constant value of 1282.5 for each data points.
I used the 'make wave..' menu but and set the data values as in the image.
But I was not able to create it. When I append it onto the table, it just shows a column of all 0 in every data point.
YourWave = 1282.5
The data properties, that you showed in the image is only useful for storing info about the wave such as data scaling and the conditions under which the data were recorded, but have absolutely no effect on the data.
For exapmle if the wave holds a waveform read from a oszillscope you could enter in these fields "V" and -0.1, 0.1 (if the scope was set to a range from -0.1 to 0.1 V).
August 7, 2010 at 02:13 am - Permalink
For more information on wave scaling and how to create a wave, execute the following lines in Igor's command line:
DisplayHelpTopic "The Waveform Model of Data"
DisplayHelpTopic "SetScale"
August 7, 2010 at 08:44 am - Permalink
The data full scale property is just for documenting what "full scale" of the data is. For example, if you acquired the data from an oscilloscope set to the +/- 10V scale, you could set the data full scale property to document that fact. Otherwise it is not used.
For details execute this:
and read down through the paragraph that explains "data full scale".
August 7, 2010 at 04:27 pm - Permalink
Cheers, aclight!
August 9, 2010 at 05:47 pm - Permalink