question about number of digits at axis

can anyone tell me where I can change the number of significant digits that are shown on my graph's axis? One graph shows two significant digits and the other three and that leads to different overall graph sizes when I save them. They both should show three digits and have the same size.
Thank you and greeting from Germany
One method that may do what you want is to use "Computed Manual Ticks" in the Modify Axis dialog window. Double-click on an axis to open this window, and select the above option (on the left). Then under the Major tick marks group there is an option for selecting the number of 'Digits after dp:'

Also check out the ModifyGraph manTick={cantick, tickinc, exp, digitsrt} command.
Speaking of graph size, you may want to fix the dimensions. Double click on the edge of the graph to set margins, aspect ratio, absolute size, etc.