Querying thread-locking of a wave

I'm using a wave in a thread worker function and in the main thread. Yes I know I should not do that...
To prevent any bugs I would like to query the thread-locking state (not sure how to call it).

This is the property of a wave which gets complained about in the error message "error: Wave is in use by preemptive thread. Can't be resized or killed.".

Can be triggered with

threadsafe static Function WorkerFunc(data)
    WAVE data
        DFREF dfr = ThreadGroupGetDFR(0, 0)
    return 1
static Function StartMe()
    variable/G tgID
    WAVE data
    tgID = ThreadGroupCreate(1)
    ThreadStart tgID, 0, WorkerFunc(data)
    WAveclear data
Function Dostuff()
    Make/O/N=1000 data
    NVAR tgID
    Make/O/N=(1001) data

Of course I could use a try and catch in various places, but that feels a bit like ringing the neighbours door bell to check if the national electricity grid is working.
That information is not accessible to you.

If you want to request it as a feature, please send a request to WaveMetrics support with an explanation of the how you would use it.

As a workaround, you could put something in the wave note before passing the wave to the thread or use some kind of naming convention indicating that the wave has been passed to a thread.