Progammatically print formatted text to the history area?

Is is possible to programmatically print formatted text (bold, underline, italics, etc) to the history area?
Apologies if I'm just missing a simple command.

I know I can change the appearance of the command history under Misc --> History Area --> Set Text Format.
Also I'm aware of the HistoryCarbonCopy option.
However, within a user function I'd like to print a message to the history with parts of it italicized.

Thanks in advance
Is is possible to programmatically print formatted text (bold, underline, italics, etc) to the history area?

No, sorry.
Is there any particular reason you need formatted text in the history area?

I more often write information directly to a Notebook (with proper commands) if I want formatted text generated programmatically. You may find that method of recording better (e.g. in a notebook called "History").

