Procedure locked

How do I unlock a procedure file? I am working on the macro inside this file, but it is locked. (Please see image)

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Thank you for your comment, I have tried clicking on the lock and the file remains locked. Also, I believe the file is in a writable location.  Are there any other possible solutions I should try? I appreciate any feedback you can provide.

I can see from the screen shot that you are using a very old version of Igor...

The lock icon means that Igor thinks the file is read only, possibly because it has been set that way in File Explorer, or because it is located somewhere that is not writable. The lock icon cannot be unlocked by clicking on it. If the icon were a crossed out pencil, then you could click on it to unlock it.

Check the file properties in Explorer to make sure it is writable. Can you also give us the full path to the file so that we might be able to tell if it is in a writable location? If it is in the Igor Pro folder somewhere, that is typically a read-only location these days.