Procedural browse experiment / loading from multiple .pxt files
I have a lot of data that has been saved as individual scans each within their own .pxt file. I can use 'Browse expt' in the data browser and can take individual scans across into a single .pxp igor file. To do this each time would be quite tedious - is there a procedural way (in the literal sense, of making a file loader procedure) to collect the data into a single .pxp, or a procedural way to load multiple .pxt files from an operating systems file tree?
I am comfortable writing short procedures for various things within igor but have never tried loading this type of data before.
Thanks in advance for any helpful responses.
It might be better to use wave files (.ibw) for this. Execute:
for details.
October 15, 2014 at 12:02 pm - Permalink