Problem with SetFormula from a user defined function


I'm having problems with the usage of the SetFormula command in combination with a user defined function.

I want a wave to be updated when at least one of the parameters of the user-defined function changes.

My user defined function is:

function /wave updateTransientV2(df, xp, yp, zp, bin) //needs rounded positions
    string df
    wave bin
    variable xp,yp,zp
    wave srcwv=$(df+"img_chunk")

    variable xbin = bin[0], ybin = bin[1]
    //nvar xp = $(df+"xp"); xp = round(xp)
    //nvar yp = $(df+"yp"); yp = round(yp)
    variable dim0 = dimsize(srcwv,0), dim1 = dimsize(srcwv,1), dim2=dimsize(srcwv,2)
    variable xlower = max(0, min(ceil(xp - (xbin / 2)), dim0-1))
    variable xupper = max(0, min(ceil(xlower + xbin), dim0-1))
    variable ylower = max(0, min(ceil(yp - (ybin / 2)), dim1-1))
    variable yupper = max(0, min(ceil(ylower + ybin), dim1-1))

    matrixop /o tmp = sumcols(sumrows(subrange(srcwv, xlower,xupper,ylower,yupper)))
    redimension /n=(dim2) tmp
    return tmp


This should give me a 1d wave that can be assigned to an existing wave in another function using SetFormula.
For this purpose I used 

execute "setformula "+df+"pz \"updateTransientV2("+ df +", round(xp), round(yp), round(zp), "+df+"bin)\""

in the other function so that "pz" is set to the returned wave. 
I have searched for information about wave reference returns but I couldn't solve my problem.

To make clear what I need: 

pz is a 1d wave. The function updateTransientV2 should calculate a new wave according to the parameters given and then return this to pz.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance


the expression in SetFormula returns values to be inserted in the named wave, not a wave.

If you need to recalculate all of the new values for the wave in one, you can set up a 'dummy' dependency to achieve that.

make some other wave or variable dependent upon a function in which you reset the wave pz.

function func1(wave w, variable v)
    w = v * x
    return 1

variable/G var1
make/N=5 foo
variable/G vDummy
•vDummy := func1(foo, var1)
print foo
  foo[0]= {0,3,6,9,12}

In this code, the dummy variable vDummy is explicitly dependent upon wave foo and variable var1, and the wave foo is effectively dependent upon variable var1.

I think that reentry is somehow blocked so that func1 is executed only once when var1 is changed, otherwise we might do something like:

function func1(string s, variable v)
    wave w = $s
    w = v * x
    return 1

vDummy := func1("foo", var1)

I recommend that you try first to set up the dependency from the commandline using the := syntax to check how things work.

I would suggest to avoid dependency formulas. Nowadays you can nearly always achieve your goal without dependencies, the latter are really hard to debug.

Thanks for the quick replies!

I now used dummy variables that are dependent on a user function which update the desired waves in the course of the function. This works very well for my use-case. 
Thank you Tony for the tips, it really helped!

But I see the point of Thomas, I was also kind of lost in the debugging process with dependencies.