Problem Reading Tab Delimited File with Empty First Cell

0.0 323224.28646657424 323226.2420223789 ... 188.24 -9.49 2.14 -6.84 ... ....
I am trying to read it into a matrix. For the life of me, I cannot set up the proper LoadWave command to read the values in the first raw as anything but integers. The matrix inputs I have gotten always read as
0.0 323224 323226 ... 188.24 -9.49 2.14 -6.84 ... ....
My initial attempts centered around ...
LoadWave/O/K=1/D/N=raw/J/M fileName
What additional sequence of LoadWave flags will fix this? Note that I have no knowledge in advance of how many columns are in the data file (though I generally know the number of rows).
Those numbers that look like integers all have six digits left of the decimal point. Most displays (like in a table) default to six digits precision. In a table, right-click on the wave in question and select a larger number of digits from the contextual menu.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 2, 2009 at 08:38 am - Permalink
I am embarrassed that I missed this one!
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
July 2, 2009 at 03:01 pm - Permalink