Printing multiple layouts in a function

I have written a code for automagic analysis of DSC thermograms in our high-throughput lab but got stuck at the last step after so much coding.
I have N experiments in a folder (N might be 1 or >50), these N files are uploaded and split into three waves each (being heat1, cool, heat2 - so a total of 3N waves). Each wave is analysed, and the resulting graphs and quantities are embedded in layouts. So, 3N layouts.
Till here it works fine. Now the problem: I would like to export, better pdf but image would work fine too, all these layouts automatically.
Ideally N pdf, something like "Experiment1.pdf" where this pdf has three pages with heat1, cool, heat2, "Experiment2.pdf" etc.
It would also be ok to have 3N pdf, something like "Experiment1Heat1.pdf", "Experiment1Cool.pdf, Experiment1Heat2.pdf", .... , "ExperimentNHeat2.pdf"
Can anyone please help me there? I am afraid we would have to print pdf by hand...
Thanks a lot, and I hope it was clear!
When calling SaveGraphics from a procedure use the /WIN flag to specify the name of the layout to be exported.
You may need to call DoUpdate before calling SavePICT to make sure the layout is fully updated.
For details execute:
You might consider using one layout window instead of N layout windows. Remove the old content and add the new N times or replace the contents of the graph displayed in the layout using ReplaceWave. You can also replace the contents of textboxes using Textbox/C/N.
March 25, 2013 at 06:16 am - Permalink
March 25, 2013 at 08:29 am - Permalink