Possibility of implementing a threadsafe/non-threadsafe switch

As the project is quite vast we make use of debugging techniques like assertions using a user defined function ASSERT. These assertions use
to printout the call chain. Now GetRtStackInfo
is not threadsafe and thus I think I'm currently stuck with either removing GetRtStackInfo
from ASSERT and thus loosing valuable information on error, or completely duplicating all callers of ASSERT, one call ASSERT and threadsafe ones call ASSERT_THREADSAFE.What I would like to do, and tried also in an XOP is
threadsafe Function proto_ts() print "proto_ts called" End Function proto() print "proto called" End Function test() print "test" Abort End threadsafe Function test_ts() print "test_ts" AbortOnValue 1, 1 End threadsafe Function RunningInMainThread() // can be easily implemented in XOP return 1 End /// Function should execute `f` if running /// in the main thread and `f_ts` otherwise threadsafe Function MySwitch(f, f_ts) string f, f_ts if(RunningInMainThread()) FUNCREF proto func = $f // does not complile! func() else FUNCREF proto_ts func_ts = $f_ts func_ts() endif End
Call as
MySwitch("test", "test_ts")
. The idea is that the function test can use non-threadsafe functions and is only called from the main thread and test_ts is called from preemptive threads.But minor problem of my idea is that the code does not compile. Any ideas of ways to achieve what I want to do?
One way I've found, but which is useless for GetRTStackInfo, is to use Execute if called from the main thread.