Popup menu causing delay

#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. Window example() : Panel PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... NewPanel /W=(150,77,450,277) TabControl MainTab,pos={2,2},size={200,100},proc=tab_proc,title="MainTab" TabControl MainTab,tabLabel(0)="T0",tabLabel(1)="T1",value= 0 tab_proc("",0) EndMacro Function tab_proc(name,tab) String name Variable tab PopupMenu popup0,pos={40,40},size={80,21},bodyWidth=80,disable=(!tab==0) PopupMenu popup0,mode=1,value= #"WaveList(\"*\", \";\", \"\")" End
The same thing seems to happen when I populate the popup menu using a function of my own, rather than WaveList, which makes me think the problem is not with WaveList but the popup. Here's an example of a function used to populate a popup menu which does the same thing.
Function /S ListDimLabels() Wave inWave controlinfo /W=CASProc WaveSelect Wave inWave = $S_value Variable width = dimsize(inWave,1) Variable i String labelList = "No Selection" for(i=0;i<width;i+=1) labelList = labelList + ";" + GetDimLabel(inWave,1,i) endfor return labelList End
I'm running Igor under Wine, so that may be part of the problem, but I get the feeling that it isn't. Anyway, can't test in Windows right now because Virtualbox is playing up.
Any ideas gratefully considered.