Please help! Need to find 20th, 40th, 60th, etc. percentiles for a given wave.
I am writing a simple procedure to find several percentiles for a wave. I found the fwavepercentiles() function, but have no idea how to use it. Was not successful finding an explanation in the IgorHelp, so I was hoping maybe someone on here would know.
How does the input to this function work? And could you also please explain the output, for example, what is Q_N?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much!
Which percentiles do you need? If it is the standard quantiles used in stats, then you can use:
StatsQuantiles [/ALL/BOX/iNaN/IW/TM/Z/Q/QM=method /STBL/TRIM=tValue ] srcWave
The StatsQuantiles operation computes quantiles and elementary univariate statistics for a set of data in srcWave.
It returns:
If you need just the level at a certain percentage, you could sort your data and then return the value at a desired fraction of the total number of points.
October 8, 2018 at 05:33 pm - Permalink
In reply to Hi, Which percentiles do… by hegedus
Hi Andy, Thank you very much for the help! I will definitely check out Stats Quantiles, as it's true I just need the standard quantiles
Again, a million thanks!!
October 8, 2018 at 05:41 pm - Permalink