Placing Minimums into a table

I have been using the Peak Areas.ipf Macros to identify the peaks and valleys. The maximums are represented in the table by the W_PkY wave, but I cannot seem to get the table to display only the minimum values in one column. Is there a way to display the W_MinKnots in a table? Thanks in advance.
The minima are at W_PkX1 and W_PkX2, so use them to access the Y value of your data.

If your data is a waveform, just use minAtX1 = data(W_PkX1[0]) for the first peak, etc.

For X-Y data you'll need to locate that x value in your x wave and get the Y value there.
BinarySearchInterp and FindLevel can do that for you, depending on whether your X values are nicely monotonic increasing or not.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
Is there a way to do this without going point by point? I have upwards of 150 minimums and to go point by point would take a long time. Also, could you give me an example of minAtX1=data(W_PkX1[0])? I seem to keep getting a error.
hbridgewater wrote:
Is there a way to do this without going point by point? I have upwards of 150 minimums and to go point by point would take a long time. Also, could you give me an example of minAtX1=data(W_PkX1[0])?

That's why we write programs :-).

But to write the correct program you need to be clear on which of the two values you wish to use as the minimum.

Bear in mind that Peak Areas subtracts the straight-line baseline drawn from the area start at W_PkX1[peakIndex] to the area end at W_PkX2[peakIndex].

Yes, one of these is less than the other, but keeping only one of them is throwing away information about the peak.

That said, here's something that may be useful:

Menu "Macros"
    "Append Peak Min To Table"
Macro AppendPeakMinToTable()
    if( exists("W_PkX1") != 1 || exists("W_PkX2") != 1  )
        Abort "Run Measure Identified Peaks, first!"
    DoWindow/F PeakReportTable
    if( !V_Flag )
    Variable haveWave = exists("W_PkMin") == 1
    Variable doAppend
    if( haveWave ) 
        CheckDisplayed/W=PeakReportTable W_PkMin
        doAppend = V_flag == 0
        doAppend = 1
    // choose the min at W_PkX1 or W_PkX2
    Duplicate/O W_PkX1, W_PkMin
    Variable i=0, n= numpnts(W_PkX1)
    if( n )
        Variable y1
                // FindPX is an old routine that uses FindLevel on the X wave.
                // FindPX sets V_peakP, V_peakX corresponding to the point in the Y wave
                W_PkMin[i] = $g_w[V_peakP]
                y1 = $g_w[V_peakP]
                W_PkMin[i] = $g_w(W_PkX1[i])
                y1 = $g_w(W_PkX2[i])
            if( y1 < W_PkMin[i] )
                W_PkMin[i] = y1
            i += 1
        while(i < n)
    if( doAppend )
        AppendToTable/W=PeakReportTable W_PkMin.d

hbridgewater wrote:
I seem to keep getting a error.

This statement conveys no useful information.

Please read this:

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
PeakAreasMeasure.pdf (18.22 KB) BridgewaterPeakMins.PNG (81.93 KB)