Performing operation on waves in multiple data folders


First time diving into procedures with Igor. I was able to find and modify a procedure to load *.csv data into individual data folders in my experiment. Data browser snippet is shown as an example. Now I am trying to automate Smoothing function for all "Int" waves. However, I can not figure out how to make the procedure to look through each data folder. Any help is much appreciated.
For your problem have a look at the commands GetIndexedObjName and WaveList and the example therein.

Basically you would iterate over all datafolders, get a list of all desired waves in each of them and then do your operation on the waves.

First time Igor coders might benefit from the Guided Tour :)
Here is an example:
Function SmoothWavesInDataFolders(dataFolderList, name, numSmoothingPasses)
    Wave/DF dataFolderList
    String name                     // Name of wave to smooth
    Variable numSmoothingPasses // e.g., 7
    Variable numDataFolders = numpnts(dataFolderList)
    Variable i
    for(i=0; i<numDataFolders; i+=1)
        DFREF df = dataFolderList[i]
        Wave w = df:$name
        Smooth numSmoothingPasses, w
Function Demo()
    // Make sample data
    NewDataFolder df0; DFREF df0; Make/O/N=100 df0:data = gnoise(1)
    NewDataFolder df1; DFREF df1;  Make/O/N=100 df1:data = gnoise(1)
    NewDataFolder df2; DFREF df2;  Make/O/N=100 df2:data = gnoise(1)
    Make/O/N=3/DF/FREE dataFolderList
    dataFolderList[0] = df0
    dataFolderList[1] = df1
    dataFolderList[2] = df2
    SmoothWavesInDataFolders(dataFolderList, "data", 7)

Also there is a tutorial. Choose File->Example Experiments->Tutorials->Data Folder Tutorial.

The tutorial was written a long time ago before Igor had data folder references but it will still be useful.