Pedantry: correct minus symbol

I was wondering if there is a way of inserting the correct minus symbol in IgorPro. Specifically when formatting an axis title, going insert —> special —> character, the suitable available options are - (hyphen), – (En dash) or — (Em dash) but no minus. Copying in the symbol from word just gives a question mark and Igor doesn't support Unicode (at the moment..?). I know it's a very pedantic point but the minus should be set slightly higher than the dashes (see: http://www.punctuationmatters.com/the-difference-between-a-dash-and-a-m…) and it is quite an important symbol! I think the minus symbols on axis labels (and throughout Igor) are actually just hyphens too. I know there is the option to
ModifyGraph useLongMinus=1
but again, same problem, this is an En dash not a minus. All the best,
Igor Pro 7 will support Unicode so you will be able to use any Unicode character. However Igor Pro 7 is still a long way off - perhaps a year till a beta.
February 28, 2013 at 12:51 pm - Permalink