PeakAreasUnipolar.ipf issue
Macro Execute Error
expected wave name, variable name, or operation
Error in PeakAreasUnipolar.ipf:AudoIdentifyPeaks
Clicking edit procedure brings up the following:
Function Exectution Error
While executing SetDataFolder, the following error occurred: No child data folder of that name exists.
I honestly can't make heads or tails out of this. The example experiment file in the Technical Notes works just fine. My experiment file is exceedingly simple, just a bunch of 8192 point waves. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
I think you'd be better off using
Mainly for use by Multi-peak fitting 1.3 but it may contain routines you can use in your own experiments. Examine the "Multi-peak fit" example experiment to see how the routines are used. Contains routines to automatically examine data and deduce the number of peaks and provide good guesses for gaussian style parameters.
(The error you saw happened because you didn't call InitializeMostEverything() which creates those global variables).
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 22, 2011 at 01:29 pm - Permalink