Parameter out of range in ImageAnalyzeParticles

I am working on a quick interface (the goal is now shot) to do some image analysis on particles.
Have large color images ~48meg so I did up load.
The flow I have in mind
Show image
I draw quick ROI
Set which color plane to work on
Set the threshold value for a manual thresholding algorithm.
I test the flow manually and all seems right with the world, but when I script it up I am getting an error: "Parameter out of range" in the imageAnalyzeParticles.
When I run manually the ROI mask is properly generated as is the Threshold mask. When I create a separate plane via matrix and use the particle analysis interface, it does show the correct features being identified.
Where have I gone wrong? I have checked the colorplane = 1 and threshold = 33.
Tried in both IP7 and IP8.
Function WMAnalyzeParticles(ctrlName):buttonControl string ctrlName Wave inWave=image ImagegenerateROIMask image wave M_ROIMask Variable ColorPlane, Threshold controlinfo pickcolor//pick color from pop up ColorPlane = V_Value-1 ControlInfo ThresValue//setvariable with internal number Threshold = V_Value ImageThreshold /p=(ColorPlane) /R=M_ROIMask /M=0/i /T=(Threshold) inWave Wave M_ImageThresh ImageAnalyzeParticles /D=inWave /p=(ColorPlane) /R=M_ROIMask /W/A=4 stats M_ImageThresh//here is where the error is generated End
February 14, 2018 at 10:00 am - Permalink