output of Multi-Peak Fit

Dear all, 

The output of Multi-Peak Fit of Igor is written in the file name "MPF2_ResultsListWave" in which each column has a header "MPF2_ResultsListWave[][1] , MPF2_ResultsListWave[][2].....  . when I print this file in my macro, all columns are printed and the Area which is in the column number 6, is printed as:

"MPF2_ResultsListWave[0][6]= {"2153.8","8328.4","16755","9497.3","11676","12375","8640.9","18019","19278","7782.2","343.11","26873","32176"}"

but when I tried to write it in a wave such as w = Coefs_Name2[0][6], it is not working. could you please help me how can I write column number 6 in a wave?



here are two ways:


MatrixOP/O col6 = col(MPF2_ResultsListWave,6)
Duplicate/O/R=[][6] MPF2_ResultsListWave, col6


The problem here is that MPF2_ResultsListWave is a text wave where the numbers are written as text. To write the results into a numerical wave you need to convert the text into values. You can use the function str2num() for this:

Make/O/D/N=(DimSize(MPF2_ResultsListWave,0)) arearesult
arearesult = str2num(MPF2_ResultsListWave[p][6])

If you are planning to upgrade to Igor 9 you will find that there are other, more convenient, ways to export the results in the newest Multipeak Fit version. :)