// F_selected is a string containing the name of a wave, new_note is a string.
function write_note()
SVar F_selected = F_selected
SVAR new_note = new_note
Note /K $F_selected new_note
Not sure if it is a bug, or a formatting problem. Is there a way to execute commands in a procedure as if they were typed into the command window?
Have you tried setting a breakpoint on the Note command to make sure F_selected really has the correct name as its contents? I did this:
killvariables F_selected
string F_selected="junk"
String new_note = "new note"
and it worked correctly.
No, but you can use Igor's symbolic debugger to investigate the internals of a running function:
DisplayHelpTopic "The Debugger"
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
October 25, 2012 at 02:09 pm - Permalink