NIDAQ Tools MX package install macro error on Win7 "...perhaps you don't have write access" for NI USB6008

I'm trying to communicate with a NI USB6008 module to set output voltages and read response voltages.

The igor macro in "InstallUninstallNIDAQ Tools MX" fails to complete execution on my windows 7 machine

I'm logged in as a user with admin privileges, and can create the subdirectory under igor in the program files wave metrics area manually.

The macro hangs, at the macro section saying "installation failed; perhaps you don't have write access to "+NIDAQmxinstallPath+""

- is this macro not for windows 7. If so where can I find a manual install procedure?
- is this a privilege conflict? If so what needs to change in IGOR or windows7 to allow it to run?

I've gotten the install to function by logging in as "administrator" instead of the project account (which had admin privileges).


Contact for download information for the latest NIDAQ Tools MX version. It has a real, professional installer that deals properly with Windows Vista and Windows 7 protections. Note that you will have to manually uninstall the older version of NIDAQ Tools MX before installing the new one. The installer includes a note about how to do that.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you, I have sent them a email.

So far I have some success using the tools, but as noted above there are issues.

I'd certainly be interested in any existing user procedures /panels already existing for the NI USB6008

Specifically I'm setting up a button to allow users to control the output voltage on ch0 and then read the AD voltage on input0 to confirm acceptance.

The new install works well, I can easily understand why writing the extentions into users/public avoids privileges issues.


Mapping the location of the procedures.

The NIDAQmx procedures folder is moved to user/public
It is no longer under programfiles/wavemetrics

Thus: older experiments error out on loading.
Error creating the symbolic path: NIDAQ_TOOLS_MX_Procedures
the specified directory cannot be found

If the install did load a link to the path then why cannot IGOR find it?
It sounds like you opened the NIDAQ Tools MX procedure files directly within Igor. With the new installation, they are in a different place and old experiments that reference the old location can't find the new location. Instead of opening the files directly, use a #include statement in your Procedure window. For instance, if you want to use the file NIDAQmxWaveScanProcs.ipf, you would type this near the top of the Procedure window:

#include <NIDAQmxWaveScanProcs>

When you compile, Igor will find the file based on a shortcut in the WaveMeterics Procedures folder (inside the Igor Pro folder) installed by the NIDAQ Tools MX installer.

This won't allow you to edit the files. If you really want to do that, I would put a copy of the relevant file into Igor Pro User Files\User Procedures and then edit the copy. The line to include a file from the User Procedurs folder would be

#include "NIDAQmxWaveScanProcs"

To open your old experiment files, just tell Igor to skip the folders/files when the alert comes up, then put the appropriate #include lines into the Procedure window.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.