Newimage help

I am not sure what normal is, but this default orientation always seems wrong for me.
Of course I can correct for this using the /F flag then everything is how I like it.
I have tried to capture graph prefs to change this behavior, but to no avail.
Is there some way I can change a setting so that by default the /F flag is used.
Mostly I want to be able to double click an image from the data browser and have it be in my preferred orientation so i don't have to type anything.
Maybe I am just lazy and easily annoyed, but is there a way around this?
1) Click on the wave and then on 'Exec. Cmd...' to the left. Write the following in the command field: 'display; appendimage %s'
This command will be saved even if you close Igor, so you can press just this button the next time.
2) Capture a graph macro (Windows -> Control -> Window Control) after you have applied all the changes to the graph you want. Save this macro (Procedure Window -> Save Procedure Copy) and put it into the igor procedures folder so that the file loads every time. This way you have a quick access to you preferred graph style.
3) Write a small function / macro which creates the graph in the right way and add a button for this to the data browser via 'appenduserbutton'. You can even automatically create this button every time igor starts via a hook function 'IgorStartOrNewHook' in a procedure file.
I have option 3 in use because you can do a bunch of things automatically with buttons + functions.
May 17, 2011 at 05:19 am - Permalink
Option 3 is perfect. I think I'll start using "IgorStartOrNewHook" for a lot of things now.
May 17, 2011 at 11:53 am - Permalink