Multi thread calculation with Hyper-Threading Technology sometimes returns erroneous answer

Have anyone experienced similar problem?

I wish 'ThreadProcessorCount' to return 'core number' instead of 'thread number'.


ThreadSafe Static Function TSPeakDetect(wSou, x1, x2, xWidth, wPkDt)
 Wave wSou, wPkDt
 Variable x1, x2, xWidth
 Variable vDeltaX = deltax(wSou), i
 for(i = 0; x1 < x2; i += 1)
  if (x1 + xWidth > x2)
   xWidth = x2 - x1 + vDeltaX
  WaveStats /M=1 /Q/Z/R = (x1, x1 + xWidth - vDeltaX) wSou
  wPkDt[i * 2] = V_min
  wPkDt[i * 2 + 1] = V_max
  x1 += xWidth
 return i

Function/S MTPeakDetect(wSou, xWidth)
 Wave wSou
 Variable xWidth
 Variable vDeltaX = deltax(wSou), vNumpnt = numpnts(wSou)
 Variable vSize = 2 * ceil(vDeltaX * vNumpnt / xWidth), x1 = leftx(wSou), x2 = pnt2x(wSou, vNumpnt - 1)
 String sDest = UniqueName(NameOfWave(wSou) + "PkDt", 1, 0)
 Duplicate wSou, $sDest
 Redimension /N=(vSize) $sDest
 SetScale/P x x1, xWidth / 2, WaveUnits(wSou, 0), $sDest
 Wave wPkDt = $sDest
 Variable vPC = ThreadProcessorCount, i
 if (vPC >= 2)
  if ((vPC >= 4) && !mod(vPC, 2))
   vPC /= 2 // By Core i5(2 core) with HTT(4 thread), 4 thread calcuration answers wrong result.
  Variable vMT = ceil(vSize / 2 / vPC), vTGS = 0, vTGW = 100
  String sDests = UniqueName("Tmp", 1, 0), sX1 = UniqueName("sX1_", 1, 0), sX2 = UniqueName("sX2_", 1, 0)
  Make /D/N=(vPC) $sX1, $sX2
  Wave wX1 = $sX1
  Wave wX2 = $sX2
  wX1[0] = x1
  for(i = 1; i < vPC; i += 1)
   Make /N=(vMT * 2) $StringFromList(i - 1, sDests)
   sDest = UniqueName("Tmp", 1, 0)
   sDests += ";" + sDest
   wX2[i - 1] = wX1[i - 1] + xWidth * vMT
   wX1[i] = wX2[i - 1]
  Make /N=(vMT * 2) $StringFromList(i - 1, sDests)
  wX2[i - 1] = x2
  vMT = ThreadGroupCreate(vPC)
  for(i = 0; i < vPC; i += 1)
   ThreadStart vMT, i, TSPeakDetect(wSou, wX1[i], wX2[i], xWidth, $StringFromList(i, sDests))
   vTGS = ThreadGroupWait(vMT, vTGW)
  while (vTGS != 0)
  x1 = 0
  for(i = 0; i < vPC; i += 1)
   x2 = ThreadReturnValue(vMT, i) * 2
   Wave wTmp = $StringFromList(i, sDests)
   wPkDt[x1, x1 + x2 - 1] = wTmp[p - x1]
   x1 = x2
   KillWaves /Z wTmp
  KillWaves /Z $sX1, $sX2
  vTGS = ThreadGroupRelease(vMT)
  for(i = 0; x1 < x2; i += 1)
   if (x1 + xWidth > x2)
    xWidth = x2 - x1 + vDeltaX
   WaveStats /M=1 /Q/Z/R = (x1, x1 + xWidth - vDeltaX) wSou
   wPkDt[i * 2] = V_min
   wPkDt[i * 2 + 1] = V_max
   x1 += xWidth
 return NameOfWave(wPkDt)


Experiment.pxp (124.63 KB)

ThreadProcessorCount always returns the number of processors including hyperthreads. Even if that was an option, I don't think there is any guarantee that threads created with ThreadGroupCreate and executed with ThreadStart will actually run on separate cores/processors.

I opened your experiment in Igor 8 and executed MTPeakDetect(tsTest1, 2e-5) and Igor gave an index out of range error. If you are ignoring this, that might explain your problem. It's hard to track down the cause of these types of errors in a multiple thread situation, but I think the problem is here:

wPkDt[x1, x1 + x2 - 1] = wTmp[p - x1]

If I add a print statement just before that line, like this:

   print "x1=", x1, "x2=", x2, "numpnts(wTmp)=", numpnts(wTmp)
   wPkDt[x1, x1 + x2 - 1] = wTmp[p - x1]

then I get this output:

print MTPeakDetect(tsTest1, 2e-5)
  x1=  0  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  128  x2=  130  numpnts(wTmp)=  128
  x1=  130  x2=  128  numpnts(wTmp)=  128

Note that the next to the last line has a value for x2 that will cause the wave assignment statement to give the index out of range error.

I suspect that your problem ultimately comes down to floating point rounding error, since you're passing around x values and telling WaveStats to use an X range instead of a point range (/R=() vs /R=[]).

I don't know whether the issues I pointed out above are responsible for your calculation getting the wrong answer, but I have a feeling they are.

In reply to by aclight

Thank you so much aclight.

Your suggestion helps me.

One mistake caused the trouble.

Modified procedure is bellow.

Function/S MTPeakDetect(wSou, xWidth)
 Wave wSou
 Variable xWidth
 Variable vDeltaX = deltax(wSou), vNumpnt = numpnts(wSou)
 Variable vSize = 2 * ceil(vDeltaX * vNumpnt / xWidth), x1 = leftx(wSou), x2 = pnt2x(wSou, vNumpnt - 1)
 String sDest = UniqueName(NameOfWave(wSou) + "PkDt", 1, 0)
 Duplicate wSou, $sDest
 Redimension /N=(vSize) $sDest
 SetScale/P x x1, xWidth / 2, WaveUnits(wSou, 0), $sDest
 Wave wPkDt = $sDest
 Variable vPC = ThreadProcessorCount, i
 if (vPC >= 2)
  Variable vMT = ceil(vSize / 2 / vPC), vTGS = 0, vTGW = 100
  String sDests = UniqueName("Tmp", 1, 0), sX1 = UniqueName("sX1_", 1, 0), sX2 = UniqueName("sX2_", 1, 0)
  Make /D/N=(vPC) $sX1, $sX2
  Wave wX1 = $sX1
  Wave wX2 = $sX2
  wX1[0] = x1
  for(i = 1; i < vPC; i += 1)
   Make /N=(vMT * 2) $StringFromList(i - 1, sDests)
   sDest = UniqueName("Tmp", 1, 0)
   sDests += ";" + sDest
   wX2[i - 1] = wX1[i - 1] + xWidth * vMT
   wX1[i] = wX2[i - 1]
  Make /N=(vMT * 2) $StringFromList(i - 1, sDests)
  wX2[i - 1] = x2
  vMT = ThreadGroupCreate(vPC)
  for(i = 0; i < vPC; i += 1)
   ThreadStart vMT, i, TSPeakDetect(wSou, wX1[i], wX2[i], xWidth, $StringFromList(i, sDests))
   vTGS = ThreadGroupWait(vMT, vTGW)
  while (vTGS != 0)
  x1 = 0
  for(i = 0; i < vPC; i += 1)
   x2 = ThreadReturnValue(vMT, i) * 2
   Wave wTmp = $StringFromList(i, sDests)
   wPkDt[x1, x1 + x2 - 1] = wTmp[p - x1]
   x1 += x2                             // Modified @2018-10-23
   KillWaves /Z wTmp
  KillWaves /Z $sX1, $sX2
  vTGS = ThreadGroupRelease(vMT)
  for(i = 0; x1 < x2; i += 1)
   if (x1 + xWidth > x2)
    xWidth = x2 - x1 + vDeltaX
   WaveStats /M=1 /Q/Z/R = (x1, x1 + xWidth - vDeltaX) wSou
   wPkDt[i * 2] = V_min
   wPkDt[i * 2 + 1] = V_max
   x1 += xWidth
 return NameOfWave(wPkDt)