Multi-peak fitting: how to extract results
What I would really like to do is import a wave and then have MPF fit two peaks in the wave (always will be Lorentzian and without fail in the same general regions of the wave) and spit this same data (peak center and sdev in the peak center) into a results wave. But I am having trouble seeing how to do this quickly and efficiently using either MPF2_DoMPFit() or MPF2_AutoMPFit().
Any suggestions?
March 6, 2012 at 04:44 pm - Permalink
Have said that, the coefficient waves are suggestively named "Peak N Coefs" where N is the peak number. This is unlikely to change, but I won't promise that it won't change.
If you're willing to write your own code that calls MPF2_DoMPFit(), then you control the list of coefficient waves, and you have direct access to them after the fit is done. As part of setting up the function, you create the list of coefficient waves (and the waves for that matter) and so you can access them after, extracting whatever info you want.
Note that the "derived" data like FWHM and such is not provided. You need to compute that after the fact.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 7, 2012 at 10:19 am - Permalink