The bracket captures the baseline default. Otherwise, you may resort to one of these other options.
a) Create your own superscript and subscript spacings using other Igor Pro kerning options.
b) Create the LaTeX symbol that you want in an off-line application and copy+paste the result as a graphic (picture) annotation. On macOS, I can recommend LaTeXiT
To be clear, the two packages are LaTeX Pictures (built in to Igor Pro directly) and LaTeX to Picture (a package at The former works on both macOS and Windows. The latter only works on macOS.
I had trouble finding a font combination that looks as wrong as your first situation, but came up with a graph font of Microsoft Uighur that didn't look too great:
What platform (Windows or macOS) and what Igor Pro version?
You might try this ...
The bracket captures the baseline default. Otherwise, you may resort to one of these other options.
a) Create your own superscript and subscript spacings using other Igor Pro kerning options.
b) Create the LaTeX symbol that you want in an off-line application and copy+paste the result as a graphic (picture) annotation. On macOS, I can recommend LaTeXiT
c) Again on macOS, use the LaTeX to Picture package posted at
February 9, 2024 at 11:41 am - Permalink
To be clear, the two packages are LaTeX Pictures (built in to Igor Pro directly) and LaTeX to Picture (a package at The former works on both macOS and Windows. The latter only works on macOS.
February 10, 2024 at 07:18 am - Permalink
Thank you for these suggestions. Still, I prefer to stay vectorial, and the solution I found, though inelegant, consists is typing
\$WMTEX$ \alpha^2 \$/WMTEX$
as one text box, and place by hand the subscript 0 in a second text box. I does the job...
February 12, 2024 at 01:45 am - Permalink
The font that's in effect when $WMTEX$ starts can change the character heights that affect the super and subscripts.
Arial is the usual default font for the experiment and for a graph.
Here's what it looks like on my PC:
February 12, 2024 at 04:16 pm - Permalink
I had trouble finding a font combination that looks as wrong as your first situation, but came up with a graph font of Microsoft Uighur that didn't look too great:
February 12, 2024 at 05:03 pm - Permalink
Here's a procedure file that allows you to adjust the subscript and superscript offsets.
Open it in your experiment and choose Graph->Packages->Show Igor TeX Settings.
Offsets near 0 may not make any difference, keep going until you get around 1.0.
February 12, 2024 at 05:10 pm - Permalink