Making a 3D-plot out of waves


as I am not very skilled in programming at all the question might be a bit dull but anyway:
I have a file like the one attached from a measurement and want to make a 3D Plot from it.
The file basically consists of 672 columns and 512 rows. So if I load the file via "Data->...->Load General text" I end up with 672 waves, each with 512 values, coresponding to the number of photons counted by an 672*512 pixel CCD array over time.
Now I need an easy way to change these waves into one 2D array that I can plot in 3D.

Thank you
MDMO-PPV.txt (1.31 MB)
If you use the "Data --> Load Waves" dialog you get an option to load all columns into a matrix, or you can execute from the command-line (the /M flag is what you want):

After import you should have a 2D wave "wave0", which you can for example display in 3D using the commands:

AppendtoGizmo/D Surface = wave0

for more info execute displayhelptopic "Gizmo reference" from the command line.
