Make Wave function trouble shooting

Hi, I am an undergrad new to Igor. Sorry for my awful programming.

I want to automate creating many histograms, but my code seems to always make the same graph.

I assume its because every iteration refers to the latest histogram iteration, but I don't know how to fix it.

My code assumes that all the waves are written in default (as in wave1, wave2, wave3, ...)

Thank you.

function MMHist(variable initialWave,variable finalWave)
    variable i
        wave nextWave = $"wave" + num2str(i)
        wave $nextWave_Hist
        Make/N=100/O nextWave_Hist
        Histogram/B={0,4,100} nextWave, nextWave_Hist
        wave nextnextWave = nextWave_Hist
        Display nextnextWave


You put the results into the same destination so they in essence get over written with the latests data.

One option:

 So It creates a new wave for the histogram with a number suffix to match input and references it as nextwave_hist.  It then displays that wave.

function MMHist(variable initialWave,variable finalWave)
    variable i
        wave nextWave = $"wave" + num2str(i)
        Make/N=100/O $("nextWave_Hist"+ num2str(i))
        wave nextWave_Hist =$("nextWave_Hist"+ num2str(i))
        Histogram/B={0,4,100} nextWave, nextWave_Hist
        Display nextWave_Hist


OMG that was so simple... thank you so much Andy.. really need to improve my programming


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